

外国語を学ぶ20Tips Part1





外国語を学ぶ際にお勧めの20TipsをmYngle Blogから抜粋して、自分の意気込みも宣言します!





Start with the first 10! / まずは最初10個から

1. Determine the language you are learning/学ぶ言語を決める

There are so many diffierent versions in English. American, British, Singlish, Australian, etc. You'd better determine which version to learn before you start.

So, in my case, American English is my first choice.



2. It is okay to make mistakes! /失敗してもいい!

We always forgive children when they fail but seldom forgive ourselves as an adult. However, there are no perfect people in the world so why should we be so afraid of making mistakes?

Even natives may make mistakes when speaking their mother tongue. Let alone foreigners. 

So, I will speak it loud and not fear to make mistakes!



3.Use sticky notes to label things around the house / 家中にポストイットを貼りまくる

Well, I used to use this method when I learned Japanese... But it is truly an efficient way to learn new words especially those things around you in your daily life. 

So, I shall start with those things hard to remember.



4. Replace common phrases that you may use every day with their equivalent. / 慣用句を似たフレーズで置き換える

Yes, this is interesting! The examples in the original articles are some common phrases such as greetings. I would like to find some interesting expressions and phrases esp. from dramas. That's also the way I learned Japanese.

Though, sometimes it may be difficult to find the exact same meaning in two different languages.



5. Ask natives about phrases they commonly use in their homes / ネイティブが家でよく使うフレーズを聞く

This would be quite useful! But, I need to first find a native :)



6. Watch TV in the language you are learning / 学ぶ言語のテレビ番組を見る

Yeah, Yeah, another way I used most in my Japanese learning, not only TV shows, but also animations and comics! I was recommended a series of dramas, so, just begin.



7.Interact with those who know more than you do / 自分より多くを知っている人と交流する

Even with non-native speakers. Truly there are so many non-native english speakers who speak fluent english. If I can just learn from them, that will be great!


8. Create a word diagram for new vocabulary / 新しい語彙の単語ダイアグラムを作る

Just like creating a mindmap. Use the relatinship between each word. It just remind me of Graph API!



9.Try to think in pictures instead of translating into your mother tongue / 母国語に翻訳するより、画像でイメージする

Wow, this is a new way and it is reasonable! I also learned from another lesson talking about memorization that using pictures is the most efficient way to memorize things.

But this only works with nouns.



10. Read content written in the language you are learning / 目標言語で書かれたコンテンツを読む

Yeah, agree. For me, reading in Japanese is not that difficult but reading in English... sometimes really distracts me. I will try.




Next 10 tips

