

外国語を学ぶ20Tips Part2

EGage COrTrove f:id:winry0:20180929122935j:plain


Tips1~10はPart 1でご覧ください。



Original post / 原文




11. Think in ideas rather than words when speaking / 話す際は単語よりアイデアで考える

This is truly a useful tip as we foreign language learners usually tend to focus on which words to use, not how to express the same thing in different ways. 

I am used to think in Japanese since I started my learning. 



12. Identify key sounds that are strange to your ears, then isolate them and practice them / 聞きなれない音を拾い、単独で取り上げて練習する

This usually happens to those sounds don’t exist in the mother tongue of learners’.
For example, “/r/” or “Th-”. Since repeated practice is the only way to make progress, so just keep trying.




13.  Identify pronunciation patterns. / 発音のパタンを識別する

This works with not just pronunciation, but also intonation.
For example, the liaison in American English, the stress accent on different positions of words in the same characters.
Another difficult point for learners.



14. Strive for 15mins of exposure to the language each day. / 毎日15分間目標言語に浸かる

It is usually said that the best way to learn a foreign language is to live in the environment. I am trying to listen to the podcast everyday and watch original dramas. It is important to let your brain and ears to get used to the target language, even sometimes you don’t understand what the hell they are talking about!



15. Choose a certain time of the day / week to only speak in target language / 毎日•毎週に特定の時間を目標言語だけ話す

If Tip14 is the input, then Tip15 is the output. You can never make progress if you don’t output. So this is truly important while few people can persist in.



16. Play games. / ゲームしよう!

A ha, I can no more agree! Just like children always learn from games, so do adults.
Learn for fun is a way not only relieve you from the stress to learn an unknown language, but also reinforce your memory especially when you enjoy what you are doing.



17. Engage multiple senses while speaking. / 話すときは五感を活かす

Somewhat like Tip16. Why people always saying that they have learned so many years foreign language but still cannot speak out a single sentence? Isn’t that because you only use your eye or your mouth to recite a vocab card or do endless paperwork without engage your other senses? That’s the problem!



18. Understand the 1,000 most commonly used words / 1000個の常用語を理解する

In English, the 1,000 most commonly used words cover about 85% of daily speech

Of course you may not need to recite all the dictionary just for chatting, as I forget most of the seldom-used words and phrases when I learned N1 for Japanese. 

But, if you need to work in a specific field, you should know the terminologies of your industries.



19. Write down your mistakes. / 間違いを記録する

There are two kinds of mistakes when learning foreign languages. One is just “mistake”, the other is “error”.

The former is those mistakes that you know the right answers and you can correct them by yourself, while the later is those that you even don’t realize that they are mistakes! 

But in my case, there is a third one. The mistake that I know is wrong but I just cannot stop making them again and again! = =bbb 




20. Study basic grammar just once a month / 月に一度だけ基本文法を学べばよい

Though this usually comes first when we learn foreign languages as students! 

Do you remember the endless homework or tests that you need to choose the correct answers from a grammar point of view? Really stressful, isn’t it? XD

So, let grammar down!





That’s all! Enjoy learning foreign languages!!